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introduction to scripting

(Written by Paul Cobbaut,, with contributions by: Alex M. Schapelle,, Bert Van Vreckem

The goal of this chapter is to give you all the information in order to read, write and understand small, long and complex shell scripts.

You should have read and understood part III shell expansion and part IV pipes and commands before starting this chapter.


When you open a terminal and type a command, you are using a shell, an interactive environment that interprets your commands, executes them, and shows you the output the command generates. Most Linux distributions have Bash (the "Bourne Again Shell") as the default, but there are others as well: the original "Bourne shell" (sh), the "Debian Amquist Shell" (dash, a modern implementation of sh), the "Korn shell" (ksh), the "C shell" (csh), and the "Z shell" (zsh), to name a few.

A sequence of commands can be saved in a file and executed as a single command. This is called a script. Shell scripts are used to automate tasks, and are an essential tool for system administrators and developers. Subsequently, this means that system administrators or SysOps also need solid knowledge of scripting to understand how their servers and their applications are started, updated, upgraded, patched, maintained, configured and removed, and also to understand how a user environment is built.

Shells have also support for programming constructs (like loops, functions, variables, etc.) so that you can write more complex scripts. This makes a scripting language basically as powerful as a programming language. Scripting languages are often interpreted, rather than compiled.

If you copy a script to one of the bin directories (e.g. /usr/local/bin), you can execute it from the command line just like any other command. In fact, many UNIX/Linux commands are essentially scripts. You can check this for yourself by executing the file command on the executables in the /bin directory. For example:

student@linux:~$ file /usr/bin/* | awk '{ print($2, $3, $4) }' \
  | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
    466 ELF 64-bit LSB
    168 symbolic link to
     74 POSIX shell script,
     71 Perl script text
     14 Python script, ASCII
     10 setuid ELF 64-bit
      7 setgid ELF 64-bit
      6 Bourne-Again shell script,
      2 Python script, Unicode
      1 Python script, ISO-8859

We find POSIX (Bourne), Bash, Perl and Python scripts, as well as ELF binaries (compiled programs). This shows that a significant portion of the commands in a typical Linux system are actually scripts.

Bash scripting is a valuable skill for any Linux user, but these days, its applications are no longer limited to Linux. Bash is also present on macOS (albeit an older version), and with the advent of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Bash is now available for Windows users as well. Moreover, Git Bash, a Bash shell for Windows, is also available.

hello world

Just like in every programming course, we start with a simple hello_world script. The following script will output Hello World.

echo Hello World

After creating this simple script in nano, vi, or with echo, you'll have to chmod +x hello_world to make it executable. And unless you add the scripts directory to your path, you'll have to type the path to the script for the shell to be able to find it.

student@linux:~$ echo echo Hello World > hello_world
student@linux:~$ chmod +x hello_world 
student@linux:~$ ./hello_world 
Hello World


Let's expand our example a little further by putting #!/bin/bash on the first line of the script. The #! is called a she-bang (sometimes called sha-bang), where the she-bang is the first two characters of the script.

Open the file with nano hello_world or vi hello_world and add the following line at the top of the file.

echo Hello World

You can never be sure which (interactive) shell a user is running. A script that works flawlessly in bash might not work in ksh, csh, or dash. To instruct a shell to run your script with a specific interpreter, you should start your script with a she-bang followed by the absolute path to the executable of the interpreter.

This script will run in a bash shell.

echo -n hello
echo A bash subshell $(echo -n hello)

This script will be interpreted by Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("Hello World!")

The following script will run in a Korn shell (unless /bin/ksh is a hard link to /bin/bash). The /etc/shells file contains a list of shells available on your system. Check it to see which ones are available to you

echo -n hello
echo a Korn subshell $(echo -n hello)

If you're not sure in which bin directory the shell executable is located,you can use env. The command env is normally used to print environment variables, but in the context of a script, it is used to launch the correct interpreter.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -n hello
echo A bash subshell $(echo -n hello)

This is particularly useful for macOS users: out-of-the-box, a macOS system has a very old version of bash in /bin/bash. If you want to use a more recent version, you can install it with Homebrew, that will put it in /usr/local/bin/bash. If you use #!/usr/bin/env bash in your scripts, the newer version will be used.


When writing Bash scripts, it is always a good practice to make your code clean and easily understandable. Organizing your code in blocks, indenting, giving variables and functions descriptive names are several ways to do this. Another way to improve the readability of your code is by using comments. A comment is a human-readable explanation or annotation that is written in the shell script.

Let's expand our example a little further by adding comment lines.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -- My first script
echo Hello World

# this is old way of calling for subshell with backtick ``
echo A bash subshell `echo -n hello` 

# this is more modern way of calling for subshell with dollar and brackets $()
echo A bash subshell $(echo -n hello) 

#NOTICE: backtick might not work in future versions of bash shell


A general convention is to give files an extension that indicates the file type. On a Linux system, this is not strictly necessary. Remember that you can always use the file command to determine the type of a file by scanning its contents. The system will not care if you call your script or hello_world. However, it is a good practice to use an extension, as it makes it easier to identify the type of file.

We recommend to always give your scripts the .sh extension, but to remove the extension when you install it in a bin directory as a command.

shell variables

Here is a simple example of a shell variable used inside a script.

# -- example of a shell variable in a script
echo "Hello ${USER}"

In Bash, you can access the value of a variable by prefixing the variable name with the $ sign. The braces are not mandatory in this case, but they are a good practice to avoid ambiguity. In some cases they are required, so it's best to be consistent in your coding style.

The variable ${USER} is a shell variable that is defined by the system when you log in.

student@linux:~$ chmod +x 
student@linux:~$ ./ 
Hello student

variable assignment

Assigning a variable is done by using the = operator. The variable name must start with a letter or an underscore, and can contain only letters, digits, or underscores. Remark that spaces are not allowed around the = sign!

# -- example of variable assignment

echo "Hello ${user}"

Because variable names are case-sensitive, this variable ${user} is different from ${USER} in the previous example!

Tip: naming convention. You can use any name for a variable, but it is a good practice to use all uppercase letters for environment variables (e.g. ${USER}) and constants and all lowercase letters for local variables (e.g. ${user}). This is also recommended by the Google Shell Style Guide. If a variable consists of multiple words, use underscores to separate them (e.g. ${current_user}).

Running the script:

student@linux:~$ chmod +x
student@linux:~$ ./
Hello Tux

Scripts can contain variables, but since scripts are run in their own subshell, the variables do not survive the end of the script.

student@linux:~$ echo $user

student@linux:~$ ./
Hello Tux
student@linux:~$ echo $user


unbound variables

Remove the line user="Tux" from the script, or comment out the line and run it again. What do you expect to happen if the variable user is not assigned, but we try to use it in the script?

student@linux:~$ ./

Bash will not complain if you use a variable that is not assigned, but it will simply replace the variable with an empty string. This can lead to unexpected results and is a common cause of bugs that can be hard to find. However, you can change the behavior of the shell by starting your scripts with the command set -o nounset (or shorter: set -u). This will cause the script to exit with an error if you try to use an unassigned variable.

Add the line to the script, right below the comment lines and try again!

# -- example of variable assignment

set -o nounset

echo "Hello ${user}"

Running the script:

student@linux:~$ ./
./ line 6: user: unbound variable

This is what you want to see. The script exits with an error, and you can see the line number where the error occurred and which variable is unbound. Start all your scripts with set -o nounset to prevent this kind of error!

sourcing a script

Luckily, you can force a script to run in the same shell; this is called sourcing a script.

student@linux:~$ source 
Hello Tux
student@linux:~$ echo $name

Instead of source, you can use the . (dot) command.

student@linux:~$ . 
Hello Tux
student@linux:~$ echo $name


Go back to and replace the double quotes with single quotes:

# -- example of a shell variable in a script
echo 'Hello ${USER}'

Run the script again:

student@linux:~$ ./
Hello ${USER}

What happened? By using single quotes, we turned off the shell's variable expansion. The shell will not replace ${USER} with the value of the USER variable. This is why you should use double quotes when you want to use a variable.

Using quotes is important. Most of the times, when you reference the value of a variable, you should enclose it in double quotes. To illustrate this, write the following script:

# -- example of using quotes
file="my file.txt"
touch $file

What we expect is that the script will create a file called my file.txt. However, when we run the script:

student@linux:~$ ./
student@linux:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 student student     88 Mar  6 16:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 student student      0 Mar  6 16:20 file.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 student student      0 Mar  6 16:20 my

So actually two files were created, one named my and the other file.txt. The reason has to do with the way Bash interprets a command and how it substitutes variables. The line

touch $file

is expanded to

touch my file.txt

without the quotes. The touch command now sees two arguments, my and file.txt, and creates two files. To fix this, you should always use double quotes:

# -- example of using quotes
file="my file.txt"
touch "${file}"

Now the expansion of the variable is done within the quotes, and the touch command sees only one argument.

student@linux:~$ ./
student@linux:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 student student     92 Mar  6 16:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 student student      0 Mar  6 16:20 'my file.txt'

troubleshooting a script

Another way to run a script in a separate shell is by typing bash with the name of the script as a parameter. Expanding this to bash -x allows you to see the commands that the shell is executing (after shell expansion).

Try this with the script! The incorrect version without the quotes:

$ bash -x 
+ file='my file.txt'
+ touch my file.txt

Notice the absence of the commented (#) line, and the replacement of the variable in the argument touch.

After the fix, you get:

$ bash -x
+ file='my file.txt'
+ touch 'my file.txt'

Do you notice the difference?

In longer scripts, this setting produces a lot of output, which may be hard to read. You can limit the output to a specific problematic part of your script by using set -x and set +x to turn the debugging on and off.

# -- example of using quotes
file="my file.txt"

set -x
touch "${file}"
set +x

Bash's "strict mode"

Apart from the nounset shell option, there are two other options that are very useful for debugging scripts: set -o errexit (or set -e) and set -o pipefail. The first option causes the script to exit with an error if any command fails. The second option gives better error messages when a command in a pipeline fails.

Start all your scripts with the following lines to prevent errors and to make debugging easier:

#!/bin/bash --
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail

This is called "strict mode" by some. You can write this shorter in one line as set -euo pipefail, but this is less readable.

prevent setuid root spoofing

Some user may try to perform setuid based script root spoofing. This is a rare but possible attack. To improve script security and to avoid interpreter spoofing, you need to add -- after the #!/bin/bash, which disables further option processing so the shell will not accept any options.

#!/usr/bin/env bash -
#!/usr/bin/env bash --

Any arguments after the -- are treated as filenames and arguments. An argument of - is equivalent to --.

practice: introduction to scripting

  1. Write a Python "Hello World" script, give it a shebang and make it executable. Execute it like you would a shell script and verify that this works.

  2. What would happen if you remove the shebang and try to execute the script again?

  3. Create a Bash script that says hello to the user (make use of the shell variable with the current user's login name), prints the current date and time, and prints a quote, e.g.:

    student@linux:~$ ./ 
    Hello student, today is:
    Wed Mar  6 09:04:19 PM UTC 2024
    Quote of the day:
    / Having nothing, nothing can he lose. \
    |                                      |
    \ -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"   /
            \   ^__^
             \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||

    Ensure that you apply the shell settings to make your script easier to debug.

  4. Copy the script to /usr/local/bin without the extension and verify that you can run it from any directory as a command.

  5. Take another look at the script where we printed a variable that was not assigned:

    # -- example of variable assignment
    # user="Tux" # Remark: this line is commented out
    echo "Hello ${user}"

    What happens if you assign the value Tux to the variable user on the interactive shell and then run the script? What do we have to do to make sure the variable is available in the script?

  6. What if we change the value of the variable user in the script? Will this change affect the value of the variable in the interactive shell after the script is finished?

solution: introduction to scripting

  1. Write a Python Hello World script, give it a shebang and make it executable.

    print("Hello, World!")
    $ chmod +x
    $ ./
    Hello, World!
  2. What would happen if you remove the shebang and try to execute the script again?

    The script will be executed by the default interpreter, in this case, the Bash shell, which will not understand the Python syntax.

    $ ./
    ./ line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `"Hello world!"'
    ./ line 1: `print("Hello world!")'
  3. Create a Bash script that says hello to the user (make use of the shell variable with the current user's login name), prints the current date and time, and prints a quote. Ensure that you apply the shell settings to make your script easier to debug.

    #! /bin/bash --
    set -o nounset
    set -o errexit
    set -o pipefail
    echo "Hello ${USER}, today is:"
    echo "Quote of the day:"
    fortune | cowsay
  4. Copy the script to /usr/local/bin without the extension and verify that you can run it from any directory as a command.

    student@linux:~$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/greeting
    student@linux:~$ greeting
    Hello student, today is:
    Wed Mar  6 09:17:00 PM UTC 2024
    Quote of the day:
    / You plan things that you do not even \
    | attempt because of your extreme      |
    \ caution.                             /
            \   ^__^
             \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||
    student@linux:~$ cd /tmp
    student@linux:/tmp$ greeting
    Hello student, today is:
    Wed Mar  6 09:17:08 PM UTC 2024
    Quote of the day:
    < You will be successful in love. >
            \   ^__^
             \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||
  5. Take another look at the script where we printed a variable that was not assigned. What happens if you assign the value Tux to the variable user on the interactive shell and then run the script? What do we have to do to make sure the variable is available in the script?

    student@linux:~$ ./ 
    student@linux:~$ user=Tux
    student@linux:~$ ./ 
    student@linux:~$ export user
    student@linux:~$ ./ 
    Hello Tux
  6. What if we change the value of the variable user in the script? Will this change affect the value of the variable in the interactive shell after the script is finished?

    We change the script to:

    # -- example of variable assignment
    echo "Hello ${user}"

    And execute it:

    student@linux:~$ export user=Tux
    student@linux:~$ echo $user
    student@linux:~$ ./ 
    Hello Linus
    student@linux:~$ echo $user

    The change in the script does not affect the value of the variable in the interactive shell after the script is finished!