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the BIND DNS server

(Written by Paul Cobbaut,, with contributions by: Alex M. Schapelle,, Bert Van Vreckem

In this module, we'll discuss how to set up ISC BIND, the most widely used implementation of DNS on a Linux system.

Learning goals:

  • Install BIND
  • Configure BIND as a caching or forwarding name server
  • Configure BIND as an authoritative name server
  • Configure BIND as a secondary name server

Further reading:

DNS server types

There are several types of DNS servers, each with its own purpose. The most common types are:

Authoritative name server

This type of server is the "source of truth" for a specific DNS zone. When a query is made for a record in the zone, the authoritative server returns the answer. Authoritative servers can be primary or secondary1 servers. A primary server is the first authoritative DNS server for a domain, and it has a (human readable) zone file that contains all the resource records for the zone.

For reasons of fault tolerance, performance or load balancing you may decide to set up another DNS server with authority over that zone. This is called a secondary dns server. A secondary server replicates the zone data from the primary server through a zone transfer (and stores it in a binary format).

Caching name server

This type of server is not authoritative, but passes on the query to another server and then caches responses to queries it receives.

When a query is made, the caching server first checks its cache to see if it has the answer. If it does, it returns the cached response. If not, it starts an iterative query. In an iterative query, the resolver will query a root server for the DNS server responsible for the top-level domain of the query. It will then query that server for the authoritative DNS server for the second-level domain, and so on, until it gets the answer to the original query. The caching server will cache the response to the original query for a certain amount of time (the TTL or Time To Live value of the record). Subsequent queries for the same record will be answered from the cache.

For example, a client queries for the A record on to its local server stored in /etc/resolv.conf. This is the first query ever received by this local server. The local server checks that it is not authoritative for the domain, nor for the .be TLD, and it is also not a root server. So the local server will use the root hints to send an iterative query to a root server.

The root server will reply with a reference to the server that is authoritative for the .be domain (root DNS servers do not resolve fqdn's, and root servers do not respond to recursive queries).

The local server will then send an iterative query to the authoritative server for the .be tld. This server will respond with a reference to the name server that is authoritative for the domain.

The local server will then sent the query for to the authoritative server (or one of its slave servers) for the domain. When the local server receives the ip address for, then it will provide this information to the client that submitted this query.

Besides caching the A record for, the local server will also cache the NS and A record for the name server and the .be name server.

Forwarding name server

A Forwarding name server is not authoritative, but it forwards queries to other servers. The DNS server of a VirtualBox NAT interface is an example of a forwarding server that passes on queries of the VM to the DNS server of the physical machine.

Stealth name server

This type of server is hidden from the public and is used for internal purposes. It is not listed in the publicly visible NS records for a domain. Stealth servers are used for DNS resolution of network services for internal use and are not accessible from the internet.

For example, a company might have an intranet webserver with hostname that is only accessible from within the company network. The RRs for this host would only be available from the internal stealth DNS server, but not from the public authoritative DNS server for

Split horizon server

This type of server provides different responses to queries based on the source of the query. For example, a split horizon server might return different IP addresses for a domain based on whether the query is coming from inside or outside the local network.

Best practices

A DNS server, depending on how it is configured, can have one or more properties from the above list. For example, a server can be both authoritative and caching, it can be caching and forwarding, or both primary and secondary (for different domains).

Some best practices for maintaining a DNS server in a production environment:

  • Don't configure your DNS server to support recursive queries for all clients. This could lead to DDoS attacks. You can always limit the source IP addresses to trusted clients that are allowed to make recursive queries.

  • A secure DNS server should only perform a single function. For example, a DNS server that is authoritative for a zone should not also be a caching server (this is called an authoritative only server). Unfortunately, this is not always feasible for smaller organizations and in practice, many DNS servers perform multiple functions.

  • A DNS server should be installed on a dedicated machine because it is essential for the operation of a network. Combining a DNS server with other services on the same machine can lead to lower availability (if the services are under high load) or security issues (since it increases the attack surface).

caching only servers

A dns server that is set up without authority over a zone, but that is connected to other name servers and caches the queries is called a caching only name server. Caching only name servers do not have a zone database with resource records. Instead they connect to other name servers and cache that information.

There are two kinds of caching only name servers. Those with a forwarder, and those that use the root servers.

The default installation of BIND is a caching ony name server without a forwarder.

caching only server without forwarder

A caching only server without forwarder will have to get information elsewhere. When it receives a query from a client, then it will determine the response through a series of iterative queries (as described earlier). In the end, our hard working DNS server will find an answer and report this back to the client.

In the picture below, the clients asks for the ip address of Our caching only server will contact the root server, and be refered to the .be server. It will then contact the .be server and be refered to one of the name servers of Openminds. One of these name servers (in this cas will answer the query with the ip address of When our caching only server reports this to the client, then the client can connect to this website.

Caching name server resolving **.

Sniffing with tcpdump will give you this (the first 20 characters of each line are cut). > M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.domain: 37279% [1au] A? linux-tr\ (46)
M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.domain > 37279- 0/11/13 (740) > 38555% [1au] A? linux-training.\
be. (46) > 38555- 0/7/5 (737) > 60888% [1au] A? linux-train\ (46) > 60888*- 1/0/1 A 188.93.155.\
87 (62)

caching only server with forwarder

A caching only server with a forwarder is a DNS server that will get all its information from the forwarder. The forwarder must be a dns server for example the dns server of an internet service provider.

This picture shows a dns server on the company LAN that has set the dns server from their isp as a forwarder. If the ip address of the isp dns server is, then the following lines would occur in the named.conf file of the company dns server:

forwarders {;

Example of a forwarded DNS query, captured by Wireshark.

You can also configure your DNS server to work with conditional forwarder(s). The definition of a conditional forwarder looks like this.

zone "someotherdomain.local" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {; };

BIND installation

If you need to set up a DNS server, there are several open source solutions available. PowerDNS, MyDNS, MaraDNS, dnsmasq, Name Server Daemon (NSD), Unbound, etc. However, the most widely used DNS server on the internet is undoubtedly BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain). BIND is open source and maintained by the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC).

In this section, we'll discuss how to install and configure BIND on a Linux system.

installation on Debian

On Debian-based systems, install the bind9 package:

student@debian:~$ sudo apt install bind9

The service will be started automatically after installation. You can check the status of the service with systemctl status named.

The main configuration files for BIND can be found in the /etc/bind directory and are named named.conf*. The named.conf file is the main configuration file for BIND, and it includes other configuration files. The named.conf.options file contains options that apply to the entire server, such as the listening interfaces and the forwarders. The named.conf.local file contains the zone definitions for the server. The named.conf.default-zones file contains the default zones (e.g. the root, broadcast and localhost zones) that are included in the configuration.

Zone files are kept in the same directory and are named after the zone they represent. By default, you will find several files starting with db.* and zones.rfc1918.

installation on Enterprise Linux

On Enterprise Linux, install the bind package:

student@el:~$ sudo dnf install bind

The service will not be started automatically, so you will need to start it manually and enable it to start at boot:

student@el:~$ sudo systemctl enable --now named

For security, BIND configuration files and directories are only readable for the root user, so you will need to use sudo to view or edit them (or, optionally, become root). The main configuration file is /etc/named.conf, and the zone files are kept in the /var/named directory.

comparison between Debian and Enterprise Linux installation

Although BIND on EL and Debian are the same software, there are considerable differences in the way they are installed and configured. The config files are stored in a different location and are structured differently.

The main differences are:

Debian EL
Package name bind9 bind
Service name named named
Configuration directory /etc/bind /etc, /etc/named
Main config file /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/named.conf
Server options /etc/bind/named.conf.options /etc/named.conf
Default zone definitions /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones /etc/named.conf
Zone files directory /etc/bind /var/named
Root hints file /usr/share/dns/root.hints /var/named/
Default zone files /etc/bind/db.*, /var/named/named.*

troubleshooting commands

Before we start configuring BIND, we'll first introduce some useful commands to observe how BIND works, that can be used for troubleshooting configuration issues. We'll show the commands on an EL system, but they work on Debian as well.

Checking the status of the BIND service:

[student@el ~]$ systemctl status named
● named.service - Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS)
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-06-15 19:44:21 UTC; 3min 32s ago
    Process: 4812 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c if [ ! "$DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING" == "yes" ]; then /usr/sbin/named-checkconf -z "$NAMEDCONF"; else echo "Checking of zone files is disabled"; fi (c>
    Process: 4815 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/named -u named -c ${NAMEDCONF} $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 4816 (named)
      Tasks: 10 (limit: 11128)
     Memory: 25.2M
        CPU: 44ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/named.service
             └─4816 /usr/sbin/named -u named -c /etc/named.conf

Checking interfaces and network ports that BIND is listening on:

[student@el ~]$ sudo ss -tlnp | grep named
State   Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port  Peer Address:Port  Process
LISTEN  0       10*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=34))
LISTEN  0       10*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=35))
LISTEN  0       4096*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=31))
LISTEN  0       4096            [::1]:953           [::]:*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=42))
LISTEN  0       10              [::1]:53            [::]:*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=41))
LISTEN  0       10              [::1]:53            [::]:*      users:(("named",pid=4816,fd=40))

So immediately after installation, BIND is only listening on the loopback interface, on port 53 for DNS queries and on port 953 for rndc commands. Both IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP are supported. UDP is typically used for simple DNS queries, while TCP is used for zone transfers and large responses.

Checking whether the configuration file is correct:

[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkconf

If the syntax of the main configuration file is correct, the command will return without any output and exit status 0. If there are errors, they will be displayed on the screen and the process will exit with a non-zero exit status.

Checking the syntax of a zone file is done with named-checkzone <zone> <zonefile>. Later, we'll create our own zone files, but the following command can be run on a basic installation, and checks the root hints file. On Debian, you'll need to change the path to the root hints file.

[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkzone . /var/named/
zone ./IN: has 0 SOA records
zone ./IN: not loaded due to errors.

You should check the syntax of the configuration and zone files after each change to ensure that the server will (re)start correctly.

Checking the logs of the BIND server with journalctl:

[student@el ~]$ sudo journalctl -u named.service
... output omitted ...

When troubleshooting a BIND server, it's useful to keep the logs open in a separate terminal. Add the -f option to the journalctl command to follow the logs in real-time and -l to wrap long lines:

[student@el ~]$ sudo journalctl -flu named.service
... output omitted ...

Finally, you can enable and disable logging of queries with rndc:

[student@el ~]$ sudo rndc querylog on
[student@el ~]$ sudo rndc querylog off

The command doesn't return any output, but you'll find the result in the logs. If you don't add the option on or off, the current status will be toggled.

main BIND configuration file

The main BIND configuration file named.conf usually consists of several sections. The most important sections are:

  • options: configure interfaces, recursion, DNSSEC, etc.
  • logging: configure logging
  • zone: define zones
  • include other configuration files

In the sections below, we show how to change basic configuration options for a BIND server. Remark that this is not a comprehensive guide to BIND configuration. BIND is a very powerful and flexible DNS server, and there are many more options available. For a more elaborate explanation, check e.g. DNS for Rocket Scientists or the BIND documentation.

control who can query the server

In a default installation, BIND can not be queried by other hosts, even though it is running. In order to make the service available over the network, you need to configure the network interfaces that BIND listens on, and determine which hosts are allowed to query the server.

To configure the interfaces that BIND listens on, you can use the listen-on directive. By default, BIND listens only on the loopback interface. Change this to the IP address(es) of the interface(s) you want BIND to listen on, or any to listen on all interfaces. Each IP address should be terminated with a semicolon.

The default configuration in the options section may look like:

    listen-on port 53 {; };
    listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };

Change this to e.g.:

    listen-on port 53 { any; };
    listen-on-v6 port 53 { any; };

The hosts that can send queries to the server are configured with the allow-query directive. By default, BIND only allows queries from localhost. To allow queries from any host, change the directive to:

    allow-query { any; };

You can also specify a range of IP addresses (e.g. 192.168.56/24), a single IP address, special keywords like localhost, localnets, any, or a semicolon-separated list of these.

After making the change, check the syntax of the configuration file and restart the service:

[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkconf 
[student@el ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named


Whether your name server is allowed to perform recursive queries depends on the recursion directive in the options section.

    recursion yes;

If you set up an authoritative server, you should disable recursion:

    recursion no;

If recursion is allowed, it's best to limit this ability to specific clients. This is done with the allow-recursion-on and allow-recursion directives. The former specifies the network interfaces and the latter the clients that are allowed to perform recursive queries. Two examples:

    allow-recursion-on { any; };
    allow-recursion { localnets; };
    allow-recursion-on { eth1; };
    allow-recursion { 192.168.56/24; };


If you want to configure a forwarder, set the forward and forwarders directives in the options section. The forward directive can be only (denoting it can only forward queries) or first (denoting it will try to resolve the query itself if the forwarder did not respond). The forwarders directive specifies the IP addresses of the forwarders. An example with the public Cloudflare DNS servers as forwarders:

    forward only;
    forwarders {;;
        2606:4700:4700::1111; 2606:4700:4700::1001;

DNS zones

In this section, we'll set up our DNS server to be authoritative for domain We'll create a forward lookup zone and a reverse lookup zone.

The forward lookup zone will typically contain A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, and SOA records. The reverse lookup zone will contain PTR and SOA records.

A few zone files are already included in the default installation, a.o. the zone file for the root zone (see next section), and for the local domain (not discussed in this book).

the root hints file

The root hints file is a file that contains the addresses of the root servers of the internet. It is used by the DNS server to initiate recursive queries. The file is added during installation, but could -if necessary- be reproduced using the dig command. If you call dig without arguments, it will query the dot, . domain, i.e. the root servers. If you send this query to one of the root servers, you will additionally get the glue (A and AAAA) records for each root server:

[student@linux ~]$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.16.23-RH <<>>
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6028
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 13, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 27
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;.                            IN  NS

.                     518400  IN  NS

[... more lines of output ...]

.                     518400  IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:  518400  IN  A   518400  IN  AAAA  2001:7fe::53

[... more lines of output ...]   518400  IN  A   518400  IN  AAAA  2001:dc3::35

;; Query time: 18 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Mar 27 21:25:40 UTC 2024
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 811

This is exactly the information stored in the root hints file.

forward lookup zone

In order to set up a forward lookup zone, you first need to create a zone file, and then add a zone definition to the main configuration file.

Let's say we want to set up a forward lookup zone for the domain The zone file will have the same name as the zone ( and will be stored in the /var/named directory (/etc/bind on Debian). We want to keep track of the following host names:

Host Alias IP Function
ns1 Primary name server
ns2 Secondary name server
srv001 www Web server
srv002 mail Mail server

Additionally, we want that will also point to the web server.

A zone file for this domain could look like this:

;; Zone file for

@ IN SOA (
         24061601  ; Serial
         1D        ; Refresh time
         1H        ; Retry time
         1W        ; Expiry time
         1D )      ; Negative cache TTL

; Name servers

       IN  NS     ns1
       IN  NS     ns2

; Mail server

       IN  MX     10 srv002

; Hosts

ns1    IN  A
ns2    IN  A

srv001 IN  A
@      IN  A
www    IN  CNAME  srv001

srv002 IN  A
smtp   IN  CNAME  srv002
imap   IN  CNAME  srv002

The $ORIGIN directive on line 1 sets the default domain name for the zone. Fully qualified domain names must always end with a dot. Names names that do not end with a dot are considered to be relative to this domain, and the value of $ORIGIN will be added. E.g. ns1 will be interpreted as in this zone file. This is actually a common source of errors in zone files!

The $TTL directive on line 2 sets the default time-to-live value for the records in the zone. It determines how long a record can be cached by a resolver before it expires. The value 1W stands for one week.

Line 4 and 5 define the Start of Authority record. The @ symbol is a shorthand for the zone name ( The IN keyword stands for Internet and is the class of the record. The SOA record contains information about the zone:

  • is the primary name server for the zone.
  • is the email address of the person responsible for the zone (to be interpreted as, but the @ is replaced with a dot because of the special meaning of the @ symbol in the zone file).
  • 24061601 is a serial number that is chosen by the system administrator. It is an integer, but commonly it contains an encoded timestamp, e.g. YYMMDDHH. The serial number is used to determine whether a zone transfer is necessary. If the serial number of the primary server is higher than the serial number of the secondary server, a zone transfer will occur. That means that you need to increment the serial number every time you make a change to the zone file.
  • 1D (one day) is the refresh time. It is the time that a secondary server waits before checking if the serial number of the primary server has changed. If it has, it requests a zone transfer.
  • 1H (one hour) is the retry time. It is the time that a secondary server waits before retrying a zone transfer if the previous attempt failed.
  • 1W (one week) is the expiry time. It is the time that a secondary server will keep the zone data if it can't contact the primary server. After this time has elapsed, the secondary server will stop answering queries for the zone.
  • 1D determines how long a NAME ERROR result can be cached.

The NS records on line 7 and 8 define the name servers for the zone, i.e. ns1 and ns2.

On line 10, the MX record defines the mail server for the domain, i.e. srv002.

The A records on the following lines define the IP addresses of each host. The first "column" is the (unqualified) hostname and the last is the IP address. Remark that, because the names do not end with a dot, the value of $ORIGIN is appended to the names. The record on line 16 with the @ symbol ensures that an A query for points to the web server.

The CNAME records, finally, define aliases for the hosts. The www alias points to the web server srv001, and the smtp and imap aliases point to the mail server srv002

Save the file and test the syntax:

[student@el ~]$ sudo vi /var/named/
... edit the file ...
[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkzone /var/named/
zone loaded serial 24061601

Next, add a zone definition to the main configuration file. The zone definition could look like this:

zone "" IN {
  type primary;
  file "";

The first line defines the domain name of the zone. The IN keyword stands for Internet and is the class of the zone.

The type of this zone is primary, meaning that this server is the primary authoritative server for the zone.

The file directive specifies the location of the zone file, relative to the directory specified in the directory directive in the options section (/var/named on EL).

Check the syntax, restart the service and test:

[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkconf
[student@el ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named
[student@el ~]$ dig @localhost +short

Try to query the SOA record from the zone. This is a rare case where nslookup gives more information (specifically, the names of the timer fields) than dig:

[vagrant@el ~]$ dig @localhost SOA +short 24061601 86400 3600 604800 86400
[vagrant@el ~]$ nslookup
> server localhost
Default server: localhost
Address: ::1#53
Default server: localhost
> set type=SOA
Server:         localhost
Address:        ::1#53
        origin =
        mail addr =
        serial = 24061601
        refresh = 86400
        retry = 3600
        expire = 604800
        minimum = 86400

reverse lookup zone

The example in the previous section is not sufficient to allow the DNS server to respond to reverse lookup queries, where the client provides the IP address and wants to know the associated host name. These are specified in a reverse lookup zone.

Some domains have IP addresses over several IP subnets. In this case, you will need to create a separate reverse lookup zone for each subnet!

The name of a reverse lookup zone has a special format. For the domain, we used the IP range. The reverse lookup zone name is constructed as follows:

  • Start with the IP addres for the address range:
  • Drop the host part, so only the network part remains: 192.0.2
  • Reverse the order of the octets: 2.0.192
  • Append

The zone file for this reverse lookup zone could look like this:

;; Zone file for reverse lookup zone

@ IN SOA (
         24061601  ; Serial
         1D        ; Refresh time
         1H        ; Retry time
         1W        ; Expiry time
         1D )      ; Negative cache TTL

; Name servers

       IN  NS
       IN  NS

; Reverse lookup records

1    IN  PTR
2    IN  PTR
10   IN  PTR
20   IN  PTR

In this file, we find the SOA record like in the forward lookup zone file. Next, the NS records define the name servers for the zone. Finally, the PTR records map an IP address to a host name.

Remark that for the IP addresses, we only need to specify the host part, in this case the last octet. The network part is already defined in the zone name.

Also remark that all host names are fully qualified and end with a dot. If we would only have specified the host name (e.g. srv001), the value of $ORIGIN would have been appended, resulting in the nonsensical, which is not what we want!

Saving the zone definition to the appropriate file, and check its syntax:

[student@el ~]$ sudo vi /var/named/
... edit the file ...
[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkzone /var/named/
zone loaded serial 24061601

Next, we add a zone definition to the main configuration file. The zone definition could look like this:

zone "" IN {
  type master;
  file "";

At this time, you set up a DNS server that is authoritative for the domain, and can respond to forward and reverse lookup queries. If you want to follow best practices, turn off recursion and any forwarders that you might have set up previously.

After adding this section to the main configuration file, check the syntax, restart the service and test:

[student@el ~]$ sudo named-checkconf 
[student@el ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named
[student@el ~]$ dig @localhost -x +short

secondary server and zone transfer

In this section, we'll set up a secondary server for the domain. The secondary server will replicate the zone data from the primary server through a zone transfer.

Zone transfer from a primary to a secondary name server

Depending on expected network traffic and server load, a system administrator may want to set up multiple secondary name servers. Usually, the primary server sends notifications to all secondary servers, but sometimes a secondary server can be the primary server for another secondary server.

More elaborate setup of primary and secondary name servers. ns1 notifies ns2 and ns3, but ns4 is notified by ns2.

Zone transfers are requested by the secondary servers at regular intervals. Those intervals are defined in the SOA record.

  • Set up a new VM (we'll give it host name el2), install BIND and start the service, as shown above.
  • Ensure the service is listening on all network interfaces and is available for other hosts on the network. Ensure recursion is turned off.
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo dnf install -y bind
... output omitted ...
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now named
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service.
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo vi /etc/named.conf
... edit the file ...
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo named-checkconf
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named

Before we can set up el2 as a secondary server, we need to allow zone transfers from the primary server. This is done with the allow-transfer directive in the zone definition. Add the IP address of the secondary server to the list of allowed hosts:

// Zone definitions on theprimary server

zone "" IN {
  type primary;
  file "";
  notify yes;
  allow-transfer {; };

zone "" IN {
  type primary;
  file "";
  notify yes;
  allow-transfer {; };

The notify directive tells the server to notify the secondary servers when the zone has changed (or, rather, when the zone's serial has increased).

The allow-update directive specifies which hosts are allowed to update the zone.

Remark that the IP address here is the one given to the VM el2. It does not correspond with the IP addresses in the zone file, but that is actually not necessary.

Save the file (on the primary server), check the syntax, and restart the service. Ensure query logging is turned on so you can observe the zone transfer in the logs. Follow the logs in real time:

[vagrant@el ~]$ sudo vi /etc/named.conf 
[vagrant@el ~]$ sudo named-checkconf 
[vagrant@el ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named
[vagrant@el ~]$ sudo rndc querylog on
[vagrant@el ~]$ sudo journalctl -flu named

Next, set up the secondary server:

// Zone definitions on the secondary server

zone "" IN {
    type secondary;
    primaries {; };
    file "slaves/";

zone "" IN {
    type secondary;
    primaries {; };
    file "slaves/";

Add these zone definitions for the forward and reverse lookup zones to the main configuration file. Change the IP address to the one of your primary server, if it differs. The secondary server will store the zone database in a file in binary format. On EL, the appropriate directory for these zone files is /var/named/slaves, on Debian it is /var/cache/named.

Check the syntax and restart. Observe the zone transfer in the primary server logs! Or, additionaly, you can set up a network sniffer to capture the zone transfer.

[student@el2 ~]$ sudo vi /etc/named.conf
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo named-checkconf 
[student@el2 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart named
[student@el2 ~]$ dig @localhost +short

The logs on the primary server should show something like this (for clarity, timestamps and other redundent information was removed):

query: IN SOA -E(0) (
query: IN AXFR -T (
transfer of '': AXFR started (serial 24061601)
transfer of '': AXFR ended: 1 messages, 8 records, 248 bytes, 0.001 secs (248000 bytes/sec) (serial 24061601)
query: IN SOA -E(0) (
query: IN AXFR -T (
transfer of '': AXFR started (serial 24061601)
transfer of '': AXFR ended: 1 messages, 13 records, 317 bytes, 0.001 secs (317000 bytes/sec) (serial 24061601)

A zone transfer captured by Wireshark.

The transfer was performed using an AXFR query, requesting a full zone transfer. You can run this query yourself from the command line on the secondary server:

[student@el2 ~]$ dig @ AXFR

; <<>> DiG 9.16.23-RH <<>> @ AXFR
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd            604800  IN      SOA 24061601 86400 3600 604800 86400            604800  IN      A            604800  IN      NS            604800  IN      NS            604800  IN      MX      10       604800  IN      CNAME        604800  IN      A        604800  IN      A       604800  IN      CNAME     604800  IN      A     604800  IN      A        604800  IN      CNAME            604800  IN      SOA 24061601 86400 3600 604800 86400
;; Query time: 2 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Jun 16 09:21:32 UTC 2024
;; XFR size: 13 records (messages 1, bytes 356)

This returns all the records in the zone file for the domain. We hope that this also illustrates the security risk of allowing zone transfers to any host! The AXFR query is quite useful for an attacker who is trying to enumerate all the hosts in a domain. So be careful with this and only allow zone transfers to secondary name servers.

You can also force a refresh from a zone with rndc. The example below forces a transfer of the zone:

[student@el2 ~]$ sudo rndc retransfer

There also exists an incremental zone transfer (IXFR), which only transfers the changes since the last transfer. The decision on which of the two (AXFR/IXFR) depends on the size of the transfer that is needed to completely update the zone on the secondary server. An incremental zone transfer is prefered when the total size of changes is smaller than the size of the zone database.

practice: BIND

Use Vagrant and VirtualBox to set up the following scenario for DNS domain linuxtrn.lan with IP range The scenario is illustrated in the following diagram:

BIND practice lab

Four VMs are attached to a common Host-Only or Internal network. The properties of the VMs are summarized in the following table:

Host Alias IP Role
srv001 ns1 Primary DNS server
srv002 ns2 Secondary DNS server
srv003 smtp, imap Mail server
srv004 www Webserver

If you used a Host-Only network, the host machine can play the role of a client. In the case of an internal network, add another VM (e.g. a ready-made Linux Mint or Kali Linux VM) to the network as a client. In this scenario, routing is not considered. The VMs will have internet access through their NAT interfaces.

Remark that the VMS srv003 and srv004 should not necessarily exist in order to make te setup work. It could add to the realism of the scenario, though, since you can check whether entering https://www.linuxtrn.lan in a browser on a client will work.

  1. Set up srv001 (Debian or EL-based) and install BIND.

    • Discover the default configuration files. Can you define the purpose of each file?
    • Turn on the query log and start tcpdump to capture any traffic for port 53 (inbound and outbound).
    • Without changing the configuration, send a simple forward A query for any domain name from the VM itself. Do you expect this to work?
    • Try to determine from the logs or the tcpdump output whether the DNS server is configured as a caching name server with or without a forwarder.
    • Repeat the previous query. Do you see a difference in behavior? Can you explain why?
  2. Ensure that the DNS server is available to all hosts on the local network. Don't forget to check firewall settings! Test whether you can resolve the domain name from another VM or a physical machine on the same network.

  3. Add a forwarder and verify that it works. Try to use a public DNS server as a forwarder. Google's is well known, but there are others, too! Search for "free public dns servers" to get some suggestions.

    • Repeat the queries from the previous step. Do you see a difference in behavior?
  4. Create a primary forward lookup zone named linuxtrn.lan with a variety of resource records, e.g. NS, MX, A, CNAME. Also add an A record for the @ shorthand.

  5. Use dig and nslookup to verify all resource records.

  6. Optionally, write a test script that runs these queries automatically and compares the results with the expected values.

  7. On the client machine, set the system DNS server to the IP address of srv001 and test (from the terminal, or using your test script) whether you can:

    • Ping the VMs by their hostnames.
    • Resolve the domain name linuxtrn.lan to an IP address.
    • Query the name and mail servers for the domain linuxtrn.lan.
    • Perform a reverse lookup for any of the IP addresses in the domain.
    • Access the website on srv004 by entering https://www.linuxtrn.lan in a browser (or alternatively use curl if your client VM does not have a graphical UI).
  8. Set up srv002, install BIND and set up a secondary server for your primary zone.

    • Rewrite your test script so it can also run queries against the secondary server.
    • Ensure that you have the query logs on the primary server turned on and that you are watching its logs before you start the secondary server.
    • Observe the zone transfer process when you start the secondary server.
    • Check that the secondary server responds to the same queries as the primary.
    • Try an AXFR query from the secondary server to the primary server. Try the same from the client machine. Also try it from the primary server to the secondary server. Which work and which don't?
    • Make a change to one of the resource records on the primary server (e.g. change an IP address) and update your test script. Restart the primary server. Query both the primary and the secondary server to see if the change has been propagated.
    • It probably hasn't, unless you thought of incrementing the seral number in the zone file. Do that now and repeat the previous step. Check whether the zone transfer happens and that both primary and secondary server respond with the updated information.

solution: BIND

TODO: update to the new version of the exercises

  1. Set up a Linux VM (Debian or EL-based) and install BIND. Verify with a sniffer how it works.

    You should see queries to the root name servers with tcpdump or wireshark.

  2. Add a forwarder and verify that it works.

    The forwarder van be added in named.conf.options as seen in the theory.

  3. Create a primary forward lookup zone named yourname.local with at least two NS records and four A records.

    This is literally explained in the theory.

  4. Use dig and nslookup to verify your NS and A records.

    This is literally explained in the theory.

  5. Create a new VM, install BIND and set up a secondary server of your primary zone. Verify the zone transfer in the logs.

    This is literally explained in the theory.

  6. Set up two primary zones on two servers and implement a conditional forwarder (you can use the two servers from before).

    A conditional forwarder is set in named.conf.local as a zone. (see the theory on forwarder)

  1. The old nomenclature of master and slave servers is being phased out due to its negative connotations. The terms primary and secondary are now preferred.