a writable file server
(Written by Paul Cobbaut, https://github.com/paulcobbaut/)
set up a directory to share
In this second example, we will create a share where everyone can create files and write to files. Again, we start by creating a directory
[root@linux samba]# mkdir -p /srv/samba/writable
[root@linux samba]# chmod 777 /srv/samba/writable/
share section in smb.conf
There are two parameters to make a share writable. We can use
read only
or writable
. This example
shows how to use writable
to give write access to a share.
writable = yes
And this is an example of using the read only
parameter to give write
access to a share.
read only = no
configure the share
Then we simply add a share to our file server by editing
. Below the check with testparm. (We could have
changed the description of the server...)
[root@linux samba]# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[pubwrite]"
Processing section "[pubread]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
netbios name = TEACHER0
server string = Public Anonymous File Server
security = SHARE
comment = files to write
path = /srv/samba/writable
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
comment = files to read
path = /srv/samba/readonly
guest ok = Yes
test connection with windows
We can now test the connection on a windows 2003 computer. We use the
net use
for this.
C:\>net use L: \\teacher0\pubwrite
net use L: \\teacher0\pubwrite
The command completed successfully.
test writing with windows
We mounted the pubwrite
share on the L: drive in windows. Below we
test that we can write to this share.
L:\>echo hoi > hoi.txt
Volume in drive L is pubwrite
Volume Serial Number is 0C82-272A
Directory of L:\
21/01/2009 06:11 <DIR> .
21/01/2009 06:11 <DIR> ..
21/01/2009 06:16 6 hoi.txt
1 File(s) 6 bytes
2 Dir(s) 13.496.238.080 bytes free
How is this possible ?
Linux (or any Unix) always needs a user account to gain access to a system. The windows computer did not provide the samba server with a user account or a password. Instead, the Linux owner of the files created through this writable share is the Linux guest account (usually named nobody).
[root@linux samba]# ls -l /srv/samba/writable/
total 4
-rwxr--r-- 1 nobody nobody 6 Jan 21 06:16 hoi.txt
So this is not the cleanest solution. We will need to improve this.
practice: writable file server
1. Create a directory and share it with Samba.
2. Make sure everyone can read and write files, test writing with smbclient and from a Microsoft computer.
3. Verify the ownership of files created by (various) users.
solution: writable file server
1. Create a directory and share it with Samba.
mkdir /srv/samba/writable
chmod 777 /srv/samba/writable
the share section in smb.conf can look like this:
path = /srv/samba/writable
comment = files to write
read only = no
guest ok = yes
2. Make sure everyone can read and write files, test writing with smbclient and from a Microsoft computer.
to test writing with smbclient:
echo one > count.txt
echo two >> count.txt
echo three >> count.txt
smbclient //localhost/pubwrite
smb: \> put count.txt
3. Verify the ownership of files created by (various) users.
ls -l /srv/samba/writable