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samba domain member

(Written by Paul Cobbaut,, with contributions by: Alex M. Schapelle,

changes in smb.conf


The workgroup option in the global section should match the netbios name of the Active Directory domain.

workgroup = STARGATE

security mode

Authentication will not be handled by samba now, but by the Active Directory domain controllers, so we set the security option to domain.

security = Domain

Linux uid\'s

Linux requires a user account for every user accessing its file system, we need to provide Samba with a range of uid\'s and gid\'s that it can use to create these user accounts. The range is determined with the idmap uid and the idmap gid parameters. The first Active Directory user to connect will receive Linux uid 20000.

idmap uid = 20000-22000
idmap gid = 20000-22000

winbind use default domain

The winbind use default domain parameter makes sure winbind also operates on users without a domain component in their name.

winbind use default domain = yes

[global] section in smb.conf

Below is our new global section in smb.conf.

 workgroup = STARGATE
 security = Domain
 server string = Stargate Domain Member Server
 idmap uid = 20000-22000
 idmap gid = 20000-22000
 winbind use default domain = yes

realm in /etc/krb5.conf

To connect to a Windows 2003 sp2 (or later) you will need to adjust the kerberos realm in /etc/krb5.conf and set both lookup statements to true.

 default_realm = STARGATE.LOCAL
 dns_lookup_realm = true
 dns_lookup_kdc = true

[share] section in smb.conf

Nothing special is required for the share section in smb.conf. Remember that we do not manually create users in smbpasswd or on the Linux (/etc/passwd). Only Active Directory users are allowed access.

 path = /srv/samba/domaindata
 comment = Active Directory users only
 read only = No

joining an Active Directory domain

While the Samba server is stopped, you can use net rpc join to join the Active Directory domain.

[root@linux samba]# service smb stop
Shutting down SMB services:                                [  OK  ]
Shutting down NMB services:                                [  OK  ]
[root@linux samba]# net rpc join -U Administrator
Joined domain STARGATE.

We can verify in the aduc (Active Directory Users and Computers) that a computer account is created for this samba server.


adding winbind to nsswitch.conf

The winbind daemon is talking with the Active Directory domain.

We need to update the /etc/nsswitch.conf file now, so user group and host names can be resolved against the winbind daemon.

[root@linux samba]# vi /etc/nsswitch.conf 
[root@linux samba]# grep winbind /etc/nsswitch.conf 
passwd:     files winbind
group:      files winbind
hosts:      files dns winbind

starting samba and winbindd

Time to start Samba followed by winbindd.

[root@linux samba]# service smb start
Starting SMB services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NMB services:                                     [  OK  ]
[root@linux samba]# service winbind start
Starting winbindd services:                                [  OK  ]
[root@linux samba]#


verify the trust

You can use wbinfo -t to verify the trust between your samba server and Active Directory.

[root@linux ~]# wbinfo -t
checking the trust secret via RPC calls succeeded

list all users

We can obtain a list of all user with the wbinfo -u command. The domain is not shown when the winbind use default domain parameter is set.

[root@linux ~]# wbinfo -u

list all groups

We can obtain a list of all domain groups with the wbinfo -g command. The domain is not shown when the winbind use default domain parameter is set.

[root@linux ~]# wbinfo -g
BATMAN\domain computers
BATMAN\domain controllers
BATMAN\schema admins
BATMAN\enterprise admins
BATMAN\domain admins
BATMAN\domain users
BATMAN\domain guests
BATMAN\group policy creator owners

query a user

We can use wbinfo -a to verify authentication of a user against Active Directory. Assuming a user account harry with password stargate is just created on the Active Directory, we get the following screenshot.

[root@linux ~]# wbinfo -a harry%stargate
plaintext password authentication succeeded
challenge/response password authentication succeeded


We can use getent to verify that winbindd is working and actually adding the Active directory users to /etc/passwd.

[root@linux ~]# getent passwd harry
harry:*:20000:20008:harry potter:/home/BATMAN/harry:/bin/false
[root@linux ~]# getent passwd arthur
arthur:*:20001:20008:arthur dent:/home/BATMAN/arthur:/bin/false
[root@linux ~]# getent passwd bilbo
bilbo:*:20002:20008:bilbo baggins:/home/BATMAN/bilbo:/bin/false

If the user already exists locally, then the local user account is shown. This is because winbind is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf after files.

[root@linux ~]# getent passwd paul
paul:x:500:500:Paul Cobbaut:/home/paul:/bin/bash

All the Active Directory users can now easily connect to the Samba share. Files created by them, belong to them.

file ownership

[root@linux samba]# ll /srv/samba/domaindata/
total 0
-rwxr--r--  1 justine 20000 0 Jun 22 19:54 create_by_justine_on_winxp.txt
-rwxr--r--  1 venus   20000 0 Jun 22 19:55 create_by_venus.txt
-rwxr--r--  1 maria   20000 0 Jun 22 19:57 Maria.txt

practice : samba domain member

1. Verify that you have a working Active Directory (AD) domain.

2. Add the domain name and domain controller to /etc/hosts. Set the AD-DNS in /etc/resolv.conf.

3. Setup Samba as a member server in the domain.

4. Verify the creation of a computer account in AD for your Samba server.

5. Verify the automatic creation of AD users in /etc/passwd with wbinfo and getent.

6. Connect to Samba shares with AD users, and verify ownership of their files.