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advanced DNS

(Written by Paul Cobbaut,, with contributions by: Alex M. Schapelle,

This chapter expands your DNS server with topics like round robin dns for load balancing servers, dns delegation to delegate child domains to another team and split horizon dns so you can provide local service locations to clients.

There is more to dns, content will be added rsn.

example: DNS round robin

When you create multiple A records for the same name, then bind will do a round robin of the order in which the records are returned. This allows the use of DNS as a load balancer between hosts, since clients will usually take the first ip-address offered.

Consider this example from the /etc/bind/db.paul.local zone configuration file. There are two A records for www pointing to two distinct ip addresses.

root@linux:~# grep www /etc/bind/db.paul.local
www             IN      A
www             IN      A

Below a screenshot of nslookup querying a load balanced A record. Notice the order of ip addresses returned.

root@linux:~# nslookup www.paul.local

Name:   www.paul.local
Name:   www.paul.local

root@linux:~# nslookup www.paul.local

Name:   www.paul.local
Name:   www.paul.local

Try to set up a website on two web servers (with a small difference so you can distinguish the websites) and test the round robin.

DNS delegation

You can delegate a child domain to another DNS server. The child domain then becomes a new zone, with authority at the new dns server.

When delegation is properly set up, then clients that query your parent zone will also be able to resolve the delegated child zones.

example: DNS delegation

We have another Linux server named debian10b and we want to make it responsible for the child domain test42.paul.local.

Note the name of the servers in the screenshots are either debian10 (hosting the parent domain) or debian10b (hosting the child domain).

We start by adjusting the /etc/bind/named.comf.local file (on the server hosting the parent domain) to make sure that no forwarder will be used when resolving authoritative names.

root@linux:~# grep -A4 paul.local /etc/bind/named.conf.local
zone "paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
        allow-update { none; };
        allow-transfer {; };
        forwarders { };

Technically, you could also set allow-transfer to { any; }; while troubleshooting and then refine it later, but this is not needed for delegation.

Then we add the delegation to our zone database:

root@linux:~# tail -3 /etc/bind/db.paul.local
$ORIGIN test42.paul.local.
@       IN      NS      ns2.test42.paul.local.
ns2     IN      A    ; the glue record

Don\'t forget to restart bind and verify /var/log/syslog.

root@linux:~# service bind9 restart
Stopping domain name service...: bind9.
Starting domain name service...: bind9.
root@linux:~# grep paul.local /var/log/syslog | cut -c28- | tail -2
named[3202]: zone paul.local/IN: loaded serial 2014100801
named[3202]: zone paul.local/IN: sending notifies (serial 2014100801)

Note that on your terminal you can type tail -40 /var/log/syslog because the only reason I use grep, cut and tail -2 is to limit the size of the screenshots in this book.

Next we create a zone database file on the second server, as seen in this screenshot:

root@linux:~# cat /etc/bind/db.test42.paul.local
; child zone for classroom teaching
$TTL    86400
$ORIGIN test42.paul.local.
@       IN      SOA     ns2.test42.paul.local. root.test42.paul.local. (
                        2014100802      ; Serial
                        1h              ; Refresh
                        1h              ; Retry
                        2h              ; Expire
                        900 )           ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers
        IN      NS      ns2.test42.paul.local.
        IN      NS      debian10b.test42.paul.local.
; servers
ns2             IN      A
debian10b        IN      A
testsrv         IN      A

The second server also needs a zone definition in named.conf.local, followed by a restart of bind.

root@linux:~# cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local
// Do any local configuration here

// Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
// organization
//include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

zone "test42.paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.test42.paul.local";
        allow-update { none; };
        allow-transfer { any; };

Testing on the parent server:

root@linux:~# dig ns1.paul.local +short
root@linux:~# dig ns2.test42.paul.local +short
root@linux:~# dig debian10b.test42.paul.local +short

example: split-horizon dns

Suppose you want to answer dns queries depending on who is asking. For example when someone from the network (managed by Jesse) asks for the A record www.paul.local, then dns answers with But when someone from the network (managed by Keith) asks for the same A record of www.paul.local, he will get as an answer.

A split-horizon setup can be used to redirect people to local copies of certain services.

In this example we want to decide on specific answers for two networks (Jesse\'s and Keith\'s) and prevent them from using our dns server for recursion, while maintaining the capability to resolve the internet and our paul.local zone from our own network.

We start by creating three view clauses in named.conf.local.

root@linux:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.local
view "paul" {
match-clients {; localhost; };
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";
zone "paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local";
        allow-update { none; };
};      // end view internal

view "jesse" {
match-clients { 10.104.15/24; };
zone "paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local.jesse";
        allow-update { none; };
};      // end view jesse

view "keith" {
match-clients { 10.104.42/24; };
zone "paul.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.paul.local.keith";
        allow-update { none; };
};      // end view keith

Note that we included the default-zones in the internal zone. It is mandatory to put all zones inside views when using a view.

The zone files are identical copies, except for the www record. You can see that the round robin is still active for internal users, computers from (Jesse) will always receive while computers from (Keith) will receive

root@linux:/etc/bind# grep www db.paul.local db.paul.local.[jk]*
db.paul.local:www               IN      A
db.paul.local:www               IN      A
db.paul.local.jesse:www         IN      A
db.paul.local.keith:www         IN      A

old dns topics

All the dns things below this paragraph are old and in urgent need of review.

old example: reverse DNS

1. We can add ip to name resolution to our dns-server using a reverse dns zone.

2. Start by adding a .arpa zone to /etc/bind/named.conf.local like this (we set notify to no to avoid sending of notify messages to other name servers):

root@linux:/etc/bind# grep -A4 arpa named.conf.local 
zone "" {
    type master;
    notify no;
    file "/etc/bind/db.192";

3. Also create a zone database file for this reverse lookup zone.

root@linux:/etc/bind# cat db.192 
; BIND reverse data file for network
$TTL    604800
@   IN  SOA ns.cobbaut.paul root.cobbaut.paul. (
            20110516    ; Serial
             604800     ; Refresh
              86400     ; Retry
            2419200     ; Expire
             604800 )   ; Negative Cache TTL
@   IN  NS  ns.
37  IN  PTR ns.cobbaut.paul.
1   IN  PTR anya.cobbaut.paul.
30  IN  PTR mac.cobbaut.paul.

4. Test with nslookup or dig:

root@linux:/etc/bind# dig AXFR

old DNS load balancing

Not as above. When you have more than one DNS server authoritative for a zone, you can spread queries amongst all server. One way to do this is by creating NS records for all servers that participate in the load balancing of external queries.

You could also configure different name servers on internal clients.

old DNS notify

The original design of DNS in rfc 1034 and rfc 1035 implemented a refresh time in the SOA record to configure a time loop for slaves to query their master server. This can result in a lot of useless pull requests, or in a significant lag between updates.

For this reason dns notify (rfc 1996) was designed. The server will now notify slaves whenever there is an update. By default this feature is activated in bind.

Notify can be disabled as in this screenshot.

zone "" {
        type master;
        notify no;
        file "/etc/bind/db.192";

old testing IXFR and AXFR

Full zone transfers (AXFR) are initiated when you restart the bind server, or when you manually update the zone database file directly. With nsupdate you can update a zone database and initiate an incremental zone transfer.

You need DDNS allowed for nsupdate to work.

root@linux:/etc/bind# nsupdate
> server
> update add 86400 A
> send
update failed: REFUSED

old DDNS integration with DHCP

Some organizations like to have all their client computers in DNS. This can be cumbersome to maintain. Luckily rfc 2136 describes integration of DHCP servers with a DNS server. Whenever DHCP acknowledges a client ip configuration, it can notify DNS with this clients ip-address and name. This is called dynamic updates or DDNS.

old reverse is forward

Reverse lookup is actually iomplemented as a forward lookup in the domain. This domain has 256 child domains (from to, with each child domain having again 256 child domains. And this twice more to a structure of over four billion (2 to the power 32) domains.

old ipv6

With rfc 3596 came ipv6 extensions for DNS. There is the AAAA record for ipv6 hosts on the network, and there is the domain for reverse lookup (having 16 child domains from to, each of those having again 16 child domains...and this 16 times.

old DNS security: file corruption

To mitigate file corruption on the zone files and the bind configuration files protect them with Unix permissions and take regular backups.

old DNS security: zone transfers

Limit zone transfers to certain ip addresses instead of to any. Nevermind that ip-addresses can be spoofed, still use this.

old DNS security: zone transfers, ip spoofing

You could setup DNSSEC (which is not the easiest to maintain) and with rfc 2845(tsig?) and with rfc 2930(tkey, but this is open to brute force), or you could disable all zone transfers and use a script with ssh to copy them manually.

old DNS security: queries

Allow recursion only from the local network, and iterative queries from outside only when necessary. This can be configured on master and slave servers.

view "internal" {
match-clients { 192.168.42/24; };
recursion yes;


view "external" {
match-clients { any; };
recursion no;


Or allow only queries from the local network.

options {
      allow-query {; localhost; };

zone "cobbaut.paul" {
      allow-query { any; };

Or only allow recursive queries from internal clients.

options {
        allow-recursion {; localhost; };

old DNS security: chrooted bind

Most Linux distributions allow an easy setup of bind in a chrooted environment.

old DNS security: DNSSEC

DNSSEC uses public/private keys to secure communications, this is described in rfc\'s 4033, 4034 and 4035.

old DNS security: root

Do not run bind as root. Do not run any application daemon as root.