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user management

(Written by Paul Cobbaut,, with contributions by: Alex M. Schapelle,

This chapter will teach you how to use useradd, usermod and userdel to create, modify and remove user accounts.

You will need root access on a Linux computer to complete this chapter.

user management

User management on Linux can be done in three complementary ways. You can use the graphical tools provided by your distribution. These tools have a look and feel that depends on the distribution. If you are a novice Linux user on your home system, then use the graphical tool that is provided by your distribution. This will make sure that you do not run into problems.

Another option is to use command line tools like useradd, usermod, gpasswd, passwd and others. Server administrators are likely to use these tools, since they are familiar and very similar across many different distributions. This chapter will focus on these command line tools.

A third and rather extremist way is to edit the local configuration files directly using vi (or vipw/vigr). Do not attempt this as a novice on production systems!


The local user database on Linux (and on most Unixes) is /etc/passwd.

[root@linux ~]# tail /etc/passwd
inge:x:518:524:art dealer:/home/inge:/bin/ksh
ann:x:519:525:flute player:/home/ann:/bin/bash
frederik:x:520:526:rubius poet:/home/frederik:/bin/bash
steven:x:521:527:roman emperor:/home/steven:/bin/bash
geert:x:524:530:kernel developer:/home/geert:/bin/bash
wim:x:525:531:master damuti:/home/wim:/bin/bash
sandra:x:526:532:radish stresser:/home/sandra:/bin/bash
annelies:x:527:533:sword fighter:/home/annelies:/bin/bash
laura:x:528:534:art dealer:/home/laura:/bin/ksh

As you can see, this file contains seven columns separated by a colon. The columns contain the username, an x, the user id, the primary group id, a description, the name of the home directory, and the login shell.

More information can be found by typing man 5 passwd.

[root@linux ~]# man 5 passwd


The root user also called the superuser is the most powerful account on your Linux system. This user can do almost anything, including the creation of other users. The root user always has userid 0 (regardless of the name of the account).

[root@linux ~]# head -1 /etc/passwd


You can add users with the useradd command. The example below shows how to add a user named yanina (last parameter) and at the same time forcing the creation of the home directory (-m), setting the name of the home directory (-d), and setting a description (-c).

[root@linux ~]# useradd -m -d /home/yanina -c "yanina wickmayer" yanina
[root@linux ~]# tail -1 /etc/passwd
yanina:x:529:529:yanina wickmayer:/home/yanina:/bin/bash

The user named yanina received userid 529 and primary group id 529.


Both Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Debian/Ubuntu have a file called /etc/default/useradd that contains some default user options. Besides using cat to display this file, you can also use useradd -D.

[root@RHEL4 ~]# useradd -D


You can delete the user yanina with userdel. The -r option of userdel will also remove the home directory.

[root@linux ~]# userdel -r yanina


You can modify the properties of a user with the usermod command. This example uses usermod to change the description of the user harry.

[root@RHEL4 ~]# tail -1 /etc/passwd
harry:x:516:520:harry potter:/home/harry:/bin/bash
[root@RHEL4 ~]# usermod -c 'wizard' harry
[root@RHEL4 ~]# tail -1 /etc/passwd

creating home directories

The easiest way to create a home directory is to supply the -m option with useradd (it is likely set as a default option on Linux).

A less easy way is to create a home directory manually with mkdir which also requires setting the owner and the permissions on the directory with chmod and chown (both commands are discussed in detail in another chapter).

[root@linux ~]# mkdir /home/laura
[root@linux ~]# chown laura:laura /home/laura
[root@linux ~]# chmod 700 /home/laura
[root@linux ~]# ls -ld /home/laura/
drwx------ 2 laura laura 4096 Jun 24 15:17 /home/laura/


When using useradd the -m option, the /etc/skel/ directory is copied to the newly created home directory. The /etc/skel/ directory contains some (usually hidden) files that contain profile settings and default values for applications. In this way /etc/skel/ serves as a default home directory and as a default user profile.

[root@linux ~]# ls -la /etc/skel/
total 48
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Apr  1 00:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 97 root root 12288 Jun 24 15:36 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    24 Jul 12  2006 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   176 Jul 12  2006 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   124 Jul 12  2006 .bashrc

deleting home directories

The -r option of userdel will make sure that the home directory is deleted together with the user account.

[root@linux ~]# ls -ld /home/wim/
drwx------ 2 wim wim 4096 Jun 24 15:19 /home/wim/
[root@linux ~]# userdel -r wim
[root@linux ~]# ls -ld /home/wim/
ls: /home/wim/: No such file or directory

login shell

The /etc/passwd file specifies the login shell for the user. In the screenshot below you can see that user annelies will log in with the /bin/bash shell, and user laura with the /bin/ksh shell.

[root@linux ~]# tail -2 /etc/passwd
annelies:x:527:533:sword fighter:/home/annelies:/bin/bash
laura:x:528:534:art dealer:/home/laura:/bin/ksh

You can use the usermod command to change the shell for a user.

[root@linux ~]# usermod -s /bin/bash laura
[root@linux ~]# tail -1 /etc/passwd
laura:x:528:534:art dealer:/home/laura:/bin/bash


Users can change their login shell with the chsh command. First, user harry obtains a list of available shells (he could also have done a cat /etc/shells) and then changes his login shell to the Korn shell (/bin/ksh). At the next login, harry will default into ksh instead of bash.

[laura@linux ~]$ chsh -l
[laura@linux ~]$

Note that the -l option does not exist on Debian and that the above screenshot assumes that ksh and csh shells are installed.

The screenshot below shows how laura can change her default shell (active on next login).

[laura@linux ~]$ chsh -s /bin/ksh
Changing shell for laura.
Shell changed.

practice: user management

1. Create a user account named serena, including a home directory and a description (or comment) that reads Serena Williams. Do all this in one single command.

2. Create a user named venus, including home directory, bash shell, a description that reads Venus Williams all in one single command.

3. Verify that both users have correct entries in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group.

4. Verify that their home directory was created.

5. Create a user named einstime with /bin/date as his default logon shell.

6. What happens when you log on with the einstime user ? Can you think of a useful real world example for changing a user\'s login shell to an application ?

7. Create a file named welcome.txt and make sure every new user will see this file in their home directory.

8. Verify this setup by creating (and deleting) a test user account.

9. Change the default login shell for the serena user to /bin/bash. Verify before and after you make this change.

solution: user management

1. Create a user account named serena, including a home directory and a description (or comment) that reads Serena Williams. Do all this in one single command.

root@linux:~# useradd -m -c 'Serena Williams' serena

2. Create a user named venus, including home directory, bash shell, a description that reads Venus Williams all in one single command.

root@linux:~# useradd -m -c "Venus Williams" -s /bin/bash venus

3. Verify that both users have correct entries in /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group.

root@linux:~# tail -2 /etc/passwd
serena:x:1008:1010:Serena Williams:/home/serena:/bin/sh
venus:x:1009:1011:Venus Williams:/home/venus:/bin/bash
root@linux:~# tail -2 /etc/shadow
root@linux:~# tail -2 /etc/group

4. Verify that their home directory was created.

root@linux:~# ls -lrt /home | tail -2
drwxr-xr-x 2 serena    serena    4096 Oct 15 10:50 serena
drwxr-xr-x 2 venus     venus     4096 Oct 15 10:59 venus

5. Create a user named einstime with /bin/date as his default logon shell.

root@linux:~# useradd -s /bin/date einstime

Or even better:

root@linux:~# useradd -s $(which date) einstime

6. What happens when you log on with the einstime user ? Can you think of a useful real world example for changing a user\'s login shell to an application ?

root@linux:~# su - einstime
Wed Oct 15 11:05:56 UTC 2014    # You get the output of the date command

It can be useful when users need to access only one application on the server. Just logging in opens the application for them, and closing the application automatically logs them out.

7. Create a file named welcome.txt and make sure every new user will see this file in their home directory.

root@linux:~# echo Hello > /etc/skel/welcome.txt

8. Verify this setup by creating (and deleting) a test user account.

root@linux:~# useradd -m test
root@linux:~# ls -l /home/test
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 test test 6 Oct 15 11:16 welcome.txt
root@linux:~# userdel -r test

9. Change the default login shell for the serena user to /bin/bash. Verify before and after you make this change.

root@linux:~# grep serena /etc/passwd
serena:x:1008:1010:Serena Williams:/home/serena:/bin/sh
root@linux:~# usermod -s /bin/bash serena
root@linux:~# grep serena /etc/passwd
serena:x:1008:1010:Serena Williams:/home/serena:/bin/bash