8. Troubleshooting, SSH

HOGENT toegepaste informatica

Thomas Parmentier, Andy Van Maele, Bert Van Vreckem



Before we begin

Set up the test environment:

  • clone your Github repo for lab assignments
    • on your physical system!
  • open terminal in directory troubleshooting
  • start the VMs
    • dbt - a working database server
    • webt - a web server with faulty configuration
$ cd trouble-demo
$ vagrant up 



  • Bottom-up approach
  • Network access (Link) layer
  • Internet layer
  • Transport
  • Application Layer
  • SELinux

Interrupt me if you have remarks/questions!

Case: web + db server

Two VirtualBox VMs, set up with Vagrant

Host IP Service
webt http, https (Apache)
dbt mysql (MariaDB)
  • On webt, a PHP app runs a query on the dbt
  • dbt is set up correctly, webt is not


The PHP application

Test the database server

$ ./query_db.sh 
+ mysql --host= --user=demo_user \
+:   --password=ArfovWap_OwkUfeaf4 demo \
+   '--execute=SELECT * FROM demo_tbl;'
| id | name              |
| 1  | Tuxedo T. Penguin |
| 2  | Bobby Tables      |
+ set +x

Should work from

  • your Linux Mint GUI VM (if it is connected to intnet sudo apt install mysql-client
  • from demo VMs (/vagrant/query_db.sh)

Use a bottom-up approach

TCP/IP protocol stack

Layer Protocols Keywords
Application HTTP, DNS, SMB, FTP, …
Transport TCP, UDP sockets, port numbers
Internet IP, ICMP routing, IP address
Network access Ethernet switch, MAC address
Physical cables

Network Access Layer

Network Access Layer

  • bare metal:
    • test the cable(s)
    • check switch/NIC LEDs
  • VM (e.g. VirtualBox):
    • check virtual network adapter type & settings
  • ip link

Internet Layer

Checklist: Internet Layer

  1. Local network configuration
  2. Routing within the LAN

Know the expected values!

Checklist: Internet Layer

Checking Local network configuration:

  1. IP address: ip a
  2. Default gateway: ip r
  3. DNS service:
    • RHEL: /etc/resolv.conf
    • Fedora, Debian, etc.: resolvectl dns

Local configuration: ip address

  • IP address?
  • In correct subnet?
  • DHCP or fixed IP?
  • Check configuration: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*

Example: DHCP

[vagrant@db ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 

Example: Static IP

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s8

Common causes (DHCP)

  • No IP
    • DHCP unreachable
    • DHCP won’t give an IP
  • 169.254.x.x
    • No DHCP offer, “link-local” address
  • Unexpected subnet
    • Bad config (fixed IP set?)

Watch the logs: sudo journalctl -f

Common causes (Fixed IP)

  • Unexpected subnet
    • Check config
  • Correct IP, “network unreachable”
    • Check network mask

Local configuration: ip route

  • Default GW present?
  • In correct subnet?
  • Check network configuration

DNS server: /etc/resolv.conf

  • nameserver option present?
  • Expected IP?

Checklist: Internet Layer

Checking routing within the LAN:

  • Ping between hosts
  • Ping default GW/DNS
  • Query DNS (dig, nslookup, getent)

LAN connectivity: ping

  • GUI-VM-> VM: ping
  • VM -> GUI-VM: ping
  • VM -> NAT-GW: ping
  • VM -> NAT-DNS: ping

Remark: some routers block ICMP!

LAN connectivity: DNS

  • dig icanhazip.com
  • nslookup icanhazip.com
  • getent ahosts icanhazip.com

LAN connectivity

Next step: routing beyond GW

Transport Layer

Checklist: Transport Layer

  1. Service running? sudo systemctl status SERVICE
  2. Correct port/inteface? sudo ss -tulpn
  3. Firewall settings: sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

Is the service running?

systemctl status httpd.service

  • active (running) vs. inactive (dead)
    • systemctl start httpd
    • Fail? See below (Application layer)
  • Start at boot: enabled vs. disabled
    • systemctl enable httpd

Firewall settings

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

  • Is the service or port listed?
  • Use --add-service if possible
    • Supported: --get-services
  • Don’t use both --add-service and --add-port
  • Add --permanent
  • --reload firewall rules
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Correct ports/interfaces?

  • Use ss (not netstat)
    • TCP service: sudo ss -tlnp
    • UDP service: sudo ss -ulnp
  • Correct port number?
    • See /etc/services
  • Correct interface?
    • Only loopback?

Application Layer

Checklist: Application Layer

  • Check the logs: journalctl
  • Validate config file syntax
  • Use (command line) client tools
    • e.g. curl, smbclient (Samba), dig (DNS), etc.
    • Netcat (ncat, nc)
  • Other checks are application dependent
    • Read the reference manuals!

Check the log files

  • Either journalctl: journalctl -f -u httpd.service
  • Or /var/log/:
    • tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

Check config file syntax

  • Application dependent, for Apache: apachectl configtest

Read the fine manual!

SELinux troubleshooting


  • SELinux is Mandatory Access Control in the Linux kernel
  • Settings:
    • Booleans: getsebool, setsebool
    • Contexts, labels: ls -Z, chcon, restorecon
    • Policy modules: sepolicy

Check file context

  • Is the file context as expected?
    • ls -Z /var/www/html
  • Set file context to default value
    • sudo restorecon -R /var/www/
  • Set file context to specified value
    • sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t test.php

Check booleans

getsebool -a | grep http

  • Know the relevant booleans! (RedHat manuals)
  • Enable boolean:
    • sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on

General guidelines

Back up config files before changing

Be systematic, bottom-up

Be thorough, don’t skip steps

Do not assume: test

Know your environment

Know your log files

Credit: @KrisBuytaert

Read The F*** Error Message!

Open logs in separate terminal

Small steps

Validate the syntax of config files

Reload service after config change

Verify each change

Keep a cheat sheet/checklist

E.g. https://github.com/bertvv/cheat-sheets

Use a configuration management system

Automate tests

E.g. https://github.com/HoGentTIN/elnx-sme/blob/master/test/pu001/lamp.bats

Don’t ping Google!
